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Celebrating Our Volunteers: Mary’s Story

“You have to grow where you’re planted! That was one of my grandmother’s favourite sayings, and it stuck with me,” recounts Mary. “I spent a lot of time with her in her garden when I was a girl.” 


If you have been attending our church for any length of time, you have probably seen Mary. Mary is one of our most avid and longest-serving volunteers. She helps with the hot soup ministry, she sings in the choir, and serves on our prayer team. She’s been a beloved member of our community for 35 years, since she and her husband Martin were “planted” down the block by God when they moved here from Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan.

Among her many roles here at the church, Mary has served as the head of our landscaping team for 25 years! These days she leaves the raking, digging, weeding, and snow-shoveling to younger folks. When she turned 70 she decided to retire from the position. The team was reluctant to see her go and asked her to continue providing guidance. Mary agreed, and we're so grateful.

Born from her childhood in a farming community, and a long career in horticulture, Mary’s expertise with plants, soil, and gardening are a benefit to everyone who enjoys the church gardens. 

Thank you for your service, Mary!

Categories: Our People